Pro LX

Alarm Memory & Trouble Messages
View Alarms:
WHEN?: At any time.
WHY?: To find out what zones and other inputs are reporting an alarm, or ensure that inputs are ready prior to arming the Panel.
HOW?: The PRO-LX Keypad normally views zones while idle. When you are in some other mode you enter view mode and immediately view zones. You may then select another alarm group.
View Zone Alarms:
(one button) [VIEW] [1] or (two button) [VIEW] [1] [ENTER].
Zone indicators show state of zones 1 to 8, and possibly one or more other labels flashing to indicate other alarms.
View Tamper Alarms:
(one button) [VIEW] [2] or (two button) [VIEW] [2] [ENTER].
Zone indicators show the state of tamper inputs 1 to 4. This is what equipment to check when you get a tamper alarm:
Tamper 1 – External devices (check with installer).
Tamper 2 – Control Panel.
Tamper 3 – Key switch, sensors and wiring to sensors.
Tamper 4 – Satellite (optional).
Tamper 5 – Radio Board.
View System Alarms:
(one button) [VIEW] [3] or (two button) [VIEW] [3] [ENTER].
Zone indicators show the state of system inputs 1 to 8. These are the system inputs:
System 1 | 24 – hour zone |
System 2 | Dialler line fault |
System 3 | Keypad or satellite connection fault |
System 4 | Control panel fault |
System 5 | Duress emergency alarm |
System 6 | Panic emergency alarm |
System 7 | Medical emergency alarm |
System 8 | Access code alarm |
Note that an alarm on System inputs 2, 3 and 4 indicate the Panel has a problem that needs attention from a service person.
View Power Alarms:
(one button) [VIEW] [4] or (two button) [VIEW] [4] [ENTER].
Zone indicators show the state of power inputs 1 to 4 and 7. These are the power alarms and suggestions on how to deal with them:
Power 1 | No mains power |
Check mains power point, plug pack and plug pack lead. If all these seem in order, the Panel may need a service. | |
Power 2 | Battery Low |
Stand-by battery in Panel requires charging. This may be the result of a long power blackout or interruption caused by blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker or even plug pack accidentally unplugged. If the cause of the problem is unknown, then get a service person to check the Battery. | |
Power 3 | DC supply failed |
This may cause serious system malfunctions and should be attended to as soon as possible. | |
Power 4 | Zone reference supply failed |
This may result in zones either giving false alarms or not to alarm at all. Get this attended to as soon as possible. | |
Power 7 | Satellite Battery low |
Stand-by battery in Satellite requires charging. This may be the result of power loss back at the Panel (see Power 2). If the cause of the problem is unknown, then get a service person to check the Satellite Battery. | |
Power 9 | Radio detector battery low |
The battery in one of your detectors is low and needs replacing. An associated numbered light will tell you which one. | |
Power 0 | Radio pendant battery low |
The battery in one of your pendants is low and needs replacing. An associated numbered light will tell you which one. After replacing the battery, press your [OFF] button on the pendant to clear the power warning. |
View Memory:
WHEN?: At any time, but especially when indicator is flashing to indicate memory contains new information.
WHY?: To find out the most recent events and the sequence in which they happened.
HOW?: Select view memory feature. Step through memory by pressing [VIEW] button. At each step the keypad indicators display an event such as arming, disarming or an alarm. The memory progresses backwards from the most recent event to end of memory. You may quit before reaching end of memory.
Select View Memory:
(one button) [VIEW] [6] or (two button) [VIEW] [6] [ENTER].
Other indicators show the most recent event (or the second most recent event if you have just disarmed the Panel).
Read Event:
You will see one of the following types of events:
There are a number of indications depending on the particular operation:
Arm light on | Panel armed |
Monitor light flashing slow | Panel in monitor mode |
Area 1 light flashing slow | Area 1 monitor |
Area 2 light flashing slow | Area 2 monitor |
Area 1 light on | Area 1 armed |
Area 2 light on | Area 2 armed |
Area 3 light on | Area 3 armed |
Area 3 light flashing slow | Area 3 monitor |
Panel disarmed. The zone indicators show zones which were un-secure at the time.
An alarm is shown as a steady label indicator and flashing zone indicator.
Step to next event:
- Press [VIEW] button. If there is another event in memory, then the display changes to show it.
- If there is nothing left to read out, you get a warning tone and the Panel returns to its normal state of viewing zones.
- Note that the display may only seem to flicker but not change. In this case, an alarm repeated. The number of steps to get a different display equals the number of times the alarm repeated.
The Panel returns to its normal state of viewing zones.
Visual Indications:
There are 3 types of visual indicators:
zone | digit + green light |
label | word back-illuminated by red light |
status | red light + key |
- These allow quick recognition of alarms and Panel status indications.
Zone Indicators:
- These indicate the state of a group or alarms (zone, tamper, system, power)
- The lights show one of 3 states:
OFF | no alarm |
ON | alarm warning (no report) |
FLASHING | alarm reported |
Label and Status Indicators:
- These are used to show what operations are in progress, the state of the Panel and, in association with the zone indicators, the status of the inputs.
- Summarized below are the various indications that are a unique feature of the PRO-LX.
- Generally, there are degrees of urgency conveyed by these indicators depending on if and how they are illuminated:
OFF | nothing happening |
ON | routine operation or warning |
Flashing SLOW | important reminder of past event |
Flashing FAST | alarm |
These are the label indicators:
ZONE light on | Individual Zones being displayed |
ZONE light flashing fast | Zone group alarm |
TAMPER light on | Individual Tamper alarms being displayed |
TAMPER light flashing fast | Tamper group alarm |
SYSTEM light on | Individual System alarms being displayed |
SYSTEM light flashing fast | System group alarm |
POWER light on | Individual Power alarms being displayed |
POWER light on | Individual Power alarms being displayed |
POWER light flashing fast | Power group alarm |
FIRE light on | Fire warning |
FIRE light flashing fast | Fire alarm |
MEMORY light on | View selection when [VIEW] key pressed. Memory mode indication while viewing memory |
MEMORY light flashing fast | New alarm in memory |
TEST light on | Automatic test procedure (option only) |
AREA1 light on | Area 1 armed |
AREA1 light flashing slow | Area 1 monitor |
AREA2 light on | Area 2 armed |
AREA2 light flashing slow | Area 2 monitor |
AREA3 light on | Area 3 armed |
AREA3 light flashing slow | Area 3 monitor |
The following status indicators turn on when the operation identified by the adjacent key is active:
ARM light on | Panel armed |
ARM light off | Panel disarmed |
MONITOR light flashing slow | Panel in Monitor mode |
EXCLUDE light on | Panel in Exclude mode |
EXCLUDE light flashing slow | Zone or other alarm excluded |
PROGRAM light on | Panel in Program Mode 1 |
PROGRAM light flashing fast | Panel in Program Mode 2 (Installation mode) |
Arm Disarm Bypass
ARM] [code] [ENTER]Arming:
When leaving the property, ensure all zones are sealed and then arm the Panel as follows:
one button | [ARM] |
two button | [ARM] [ENTER] |
code | ARM] [code] [ENTER] |
key switch | Insert key, turn and release |
- You now have a fixed time in which to leave. This is called the exit delay.
- If you are still within the area secured by the Panel at the end of this time, then you will be treated as an intruder!
- If you discover that all zones are not sealed or you have to go back to get something, then it is best to disarm the Panel, attend to the problem, and then arm again.
- If you get a long bee-eep when you attempt to arm, then check this list of things that prevent arming:
- Siren sounding when ARM hit
- Attempt to arm one button or two button when code mandatory
- Code keyed incorrectly
- Already armed
- In program or exclude mode.
To arm an area assigned to a code:
[ARM] [code] [ENTER]
AREA1 indicator will illuminate and 3 beeps will be heard or
AREA2 indicator will illuminate and 3 beeps will be heard or
AREA3 indicator will illuminate and 3 beeps will be heard or
To arm one area with an administrator code:
[AREA] [1] [ENTER] [ARM] [code] [ENTER] -or-
[AREA] [2] [ENTER] [ARM] [code] [ENTER] -or-
[AREA] [3] [ENTER] [ARM] [code] [ENTER]
To arm more than one area., enter a list of areas.
For example, to arm all three areas:
[AREA] [1] [ENTER] [2] [ENTER] [3] [ENTER] [ARM] [code] [ENTER]
AREA1 indicator will illuminate
AREA2 indicator will illuminate
AREA3 indicator will illuminate and 3 beeps will be heard.
When the Panel is disarmed the security level is reduced to only reporting emergencies. To disarm the Panel, enter your [User code]:
[User code] [ENTER]
ARM light will turn off.
Be aware that entering your property while the Panel is armed may cause an alarm unless you disarm within a fixed time. This time is called the entry delay.
Note that the entry delay may be changed, but in the interest of security it is best to keep this short as practical.
If you get a long bee-eep when you attempt to disarm, then check this list of things that prevent arming:
- Code keyed incorrectly
- Already disarmed
- In exclude mode.
To disarm an area assigned to a code:
[User code] [ENTER]
AREA 1 light will turn off and 3 beeps will be heard or
AREA 2 light will turn off and 3 beeps will be heard or
AREA 3 light will turn off and 3 beeps will be heard
To disarm one area with an administrator code:
[AREA] [1] [ENTER] [code] [ENTER] -or-
[AREA] [2] [ENTER] [code] [ENTER] -or-
[AREA] [3] [ENTER] [code] [ENTER]
To disarm two areas, add another area entry.
For example to disarm areas 1 and 2:
[AREA] [1] [ENTER] [2] [ENTER] [code] [ENTER]
To disarm all areas with administrator code:
[User code] [ENTER]
Monitor Mode:
Use Monitor Mode to guard an unattended part of the property while occupying the rest. Your system may be programmed so that have the choice of arming two different monitor areas (dual monitor mode), otherwise there is only one monitor area (single monitor mode).
Single Monitor Mode:
Ensure all zones in the monitor area are sealed and then partially arm the Panel as follows:
one button | [MONITOR] |
two button | [MONITOR][ENTER] |
code | [MONITOR][code][ENTER] |
- MONITOR light will flash slow and 3 beeps will be heard.
Dual Monitor Mode:
Ensure all zones in the monitor area are sealed and then partially arm the Panel as follows:
one button | [MONITOR] [1] -or- [MONITOR] [2] |
two button | [MONITOR] [1] [ENTER] -or- [MONITOR] [2] [ENTER] |
AREA1 light will flash slow and 3 beeps will be heard or
AREA2 light will flash slow and 3 beeps will be heard.
- There is now a fixed time for anyone in the monitor area to leave. This is the same exit delay as occurs upon full arming.
- If, when you attempt to arm, you get a long bee-eep, then check this list of things that prevent arming:
- Siren sounding when [MONITOR] hit
- Attempt to arm one button or two button when code mandatory
- Code keyed incorrectly
- Already armed
- In program or exclude mode.
A zone that alarms while the Panel is in monitor mode may sound the keypad (s) with a beep every half second. This will continue for a time equal to the entry delay. If the alarm is not reset within this time, then the siren will sound for a 2 second burst. (These details depend on how your system is equipped and set up, but some sort of non-urgent report should be given.) Note that pressing [any keypad key] will silence the beeping, but only successfully resetting the alarm will prevent the siren burst.
To put an area assigned to a code into monitor mode:
[MONITOR] [code] [ENTER]
AREA1 light will flash slow and 3 beeps will be heard or
AREA2 light will flash slow and 3 beeps will be heard or
AREA3 light will flash slow and 3 beeps will be heard
To put one area into monitor mode with an administrator code:
[AREA] [1] [ENTER] [MONITOR] [code] [ENTER] -or-
[AREA] [2] [ENTER] [MONITOR] [code] [ENTER] -or-
[AREA] [3] [ENTER] [MONITOR] [code] [ENTER]
To put more than one area into monitor mode, enter a list of areas.
For example, to put all three areas into monitor mode:
[AREA] [1] [ENTER] [2] [ENTER] [3] [ENTER] [MONITOR] [code] [ENTER]
AREA1 light will flash slow
AREA2 light will flash slow
AREA3 light will flash slow and 3 beeps will be heard
Excluding an alarm prevents it sounding the siren. Therefore, it may be important when investigating an intrusion to know what alarms were excluded at the time.
There are two types of exclusion:
- exclusion operation at the keypad
- automatic exclusion
The first lasts until the Panel is armed and then disarmed or the operation is reversed at the keypad. The second is an option applying to zones which are un-secure after the Panel has been armed and the exit time expired. Both types of exclusion are recorded and cannot be distinguished from each other when you view memory.
What you see is . . .
- + one or more zone indicators on
- + label indicator (ZONE , TAMPER , SYSTEM or POWER )
The alarm (s) being excluded are described above (see View Alarms).
Step to next event:
Press [VIEW] button. If there is another event in memory, then the display changes to show it.
If there is nothing left to read out, you get a warning tone and the Panel returns to its normal state of viewing zones.
Note that the display may only seem to flicker but not change. In this case, an alarm repeated. The number of steps to get a different display equals the number of times the alarm repeated.
The Panel returns to its normal state of viewing zones.
WHEN?: While Panel is disarmed. (If you use your code to enter exclude mode, you may in fact exclude at any time, but it is unusual to so while the Panel is armed.)
WHY?: A temporary measure to prevent an alarm report caused by a faulty sensor or from having to use a secure zone for access.
HOW?: Enter exclude mode. Exclude zones or select other alarm group (Tamper, System or Power) and exclude. When finished, exit from exclude mode.
Enter Exclude Mode:
one button | [EXCLUDE] |
two button | [EXCLUDE][ENTER] |
code | [EXCLUDE][code][ENTER] |
Exclude light illuminates and 3 beeps will be heard.
Zone indicators reveal excluded zones.
Exclude zones:
[zone] [ENTER] [zone] [ENTER] . . .
Selected zone indicator lights illuminate and 3 beeps will be heard.
Select other alarms:
one button | [EXCLUDE][2] |
two button | [EXCLUDE][2][ENTER] |
Tamper light illuminates and 3 beeps will be heard
one button | [EXCLUDE][3] |
two button | [EXCLUDE][3][ENTER] |
System light illuminates and 3 beeps will be heard
one button | [EXCLUDE][4] |
two button | [EXCLUDE][4][ENTER] |
Power light illuminates and 3 beeps will be heard
You see the label for the selected alarm group light up and the zone indicators revealing any excluded alarms.
Exit exclude mode:
The Panel returns to the normal state of viewing zones. The EXCLUDE indicator also flashes slowly as a reminder that alarms are excluded.
WHEN?: While Panel is disarmed.
WHY?: To cancel a previous exclusion.
HOW?: Enter exclude mode as if to exclude. Include alarms by following the same procedure as used for excluding them in the first place. Zone indicators switch from on to off to show inclusion.
Note that a flashing indicator means the alarm input is un-secure and will report if you exit exclude mode. You may choose to then re-exclude the alarm.
More about Exclusion:
If you enter exclusion mode using your code, then any alarms being reported at the time are silenced.
If any alarm occurs while the Panel is in exclusion mode, then the report is delayed until you exit. It may also be excluded to prevent the report.
You are free to view alarms while in exclude mode, but you only get warnings of any that are un-secure (indicators steady instead of flashing).
Code Changes
Program Mode 1 Entry: (User Program Mode)
For starters, you need the Master Code, which is initially set by your installer, but may be changed if required (and in fact should be changed, for security reasons, to a code not known by your installer).
To enter program mode 1:
[PROGRAM] [master code] [ENTER]
Program light will illuminate and 3 beeps will be heard
You may now:
- program or re-program any of a maximum 15 codes
- re-program entry time(s)
- re-program exit time(s)
- exit ProgramMode
Programming Codes:
Program Procedure
Programming a code involves two or three steps, depending on what type of code it is. The first step is to identify it by entering a number. The last step is to enter the new code twice (the second time is a check for correctness). The middle step is needed for certain code types and requires you to enter a single digit, either 0, 1, 2 or 3.
Here is an example of programming the first code to 1234:
[PROGRAM] [1] [ENTER] [1] [2] [3] [4] [ENTER] [1] [2] [3] [4] [ENTER]
To make it easier to read programming instructions, the abbreviations P for PROGRAM and E for ENTER will now be used. Hence the above example now looks like:
P1E 1234E 1234E
If you get an audible error indication, then check the following advice
- A code must contain more than 2 digits and not more than 6.
- A code may be rejected the first time you enter it because it matches an existing code (or possibly matches a duress code).
- If you enter a different code the second time, you will also get an error indication.
- You may try again to enter a valid [code] or hit [ENTER] key to cancel.
Access Code
The term access code is a general name for any code used to disarm the Panel upon entry to the premises. It may also be used to arm the Panel.
- There are 16 access codes, the first being fixed as a master code and the remaining 15 able to be programmed to any of these types:
- ordinary
- disabled
- administrator
- area
- master
- The code type is displayed on indicators ARM, AREA1, AREA2 and AREA3.
- If the fixed master code has been used to commence programming mode, the actual code is also flashed out at the start of programming a code.
- Here are descriptions and indications and programming details for each type:
Ordinary code:
ARM Light illuminated
AREA1 Light illuminated
AREA2 Light illuminated
AREA3 Light illuminated
This is an access code for a system without areas and does not permit the owner entry into programming mode.
To program an ordinary code with code number in the range of 2 to 15:
[P] [code number] [E] [code] [E] [code] [E]
Disabled code
Any access code except the fixed master code may be taken out of service by programming its first digit to be [0].
To disable a code with code number in the range of 2 to 15:
[P] [code number] [E] [0] [code] [E] [0] [code] [E]
Note, all access codes are disabled until programmed for use by people who need to operate the Panel.
Administrator code:
An administrator code is able to arm and disarm all areas of a divided system but it is not permitted entry into programming mode.
To program an administrator code with code number 2 to 15:
[P] [code number] [E] [code] [E] [code] [E]
Area code:
[P] [code number] [E] [1] [E] [code] [E] [code] [E]
Area 1 light will illuminate
[P] [code number] [E] [2] [E] [code] [E] [code] [E]
Area 2 light will illuminate
[P] [code number] [E] [3] [E] [code] [E] [code] [E]
Area 3 light will illuminate
Master code:
This permits access to Program Mode 1 plus allowing the entire system to be armed. The first access code is always a master code and if it is somehow disabled you will not be permitted to exit out of program mode.
ARM light will flash fast
AREA1 light will flash fast
AREA2 light will flash fast
AREA3 light will flash fast
(The fixed master code may be disabled if there is loss of configuration data. You will get a warning this has happened by the indicator unexpectedly flashing. In that case, call your installer.)
To program the fixed master code:
- You may have more than one master code as an option.
To program a master code with code number 2 to 15:
[P][code number][E][0][E][code][E][code][E]
Viewing and Changing Codes:\
Now that we have introduced the various types of codes and shown how they are programmed, we can now go through some two other procedures:
- Find out a forgotten access code
- Change an access code type.
View code:
- Enter programming mode 1 using the fixer master code (access code number 1):
[PROGRAM][fixed master code][ENTER]
You may now find access with code number from 2 to 15. The code will be flashed out on the zone indicators. Each digit is represented by a zone light turning on for 1 second. There is a 1 second pause in between digits and the 3 bips audible indication is delayed until the final digit is displayed.
To get access code flashed out on display:
[PROGRAM][code number][ENTER]
The code type will also be shown as described above.
Changing code:
You may change the code type without changing the actual code. However, entering code is an essential part of changing type in some cases, and you then need to re-enter the existing code.
Unlike viewing codes, this may be done regardless of which master code was used to enter programming mode 1. If you start to get the code flashed out, you may proceed without waiting for this to complete and the display will clear immediately.
Here are programming details for conversion to each type:
Ordinary code:
To change a master code to an ordinary code with code number from 2 to 15:
[P][code number][E][code][E][code][E]
Area code:
To change a master or administrator code to area code or re-assign an area code (code number from 2 to 15):
[P][code number][E][area][E]
Master code:
To change any code to a master code with code number from 2 to 15:
[P][code number][E][0][E]
Keypad Functions
Be sure you know how your system has been set up to report panic as it may be used for a wide range of emergencies. Typically, it causes the siren to sound to frighten away intruders and draw in people to assist you.
To Generate Panic Alarm:
(one-button) [PANIC] – press for half a second
(two-button) [PANIC] [ENTER]
Duress alarm is reported when you disarm the Panel in a special way.
To Generate Duress Alarm:
[9] [code] [ENTER]
The 9 digit indicates that you are being forced to disarm the Panel and need assistance. This alarm may then be reported to the Central Station.
Note: Your installer may have changed your Duress digit from [9] to another number. 9 comes programmed standard in your Panel.
Test Mode Function
Automatic zone test:
This is an option that helps avoid the situation of a zone sensor going faulty or being disconnected without it being noticed. A count is kept of the number of times the Panel is armed and disarmed. Any zone which has failed to detect anything over the past 20 armings is recorded and the TEST indicator also lights up.
When you see the TEST indicator, find out which zones have been dormant:
(one button) [VIEW] [7] or (two button) [VIEW] [7] [ENTER]
The zone indicators snow which zones need to be checked. To do this, open doors and windows, walk down corridors or do whatever is required to access each zone in question. When you return, the zone indicators which were on should now be flashing. Any which are still just on need to be checked by a service person.
To Exit View Test:
Test Mode:
WHEN?: While the system is disarmed and idle – no alarms
WHY?: To test outputs and devices connected to them – or – control equipment – or – reset fire sensors after they have “latched”.
- Enter your [access code].
- The TEST label lights up.
- Press a [digit key] to operate an output – see table below.
- The zone light for the output turns on along with the output.
- Press the [same digit key] to turn the output off, or exit by pressing [ENTER].
- Press any other key to cancel and commence new operation.
Key | Zone | Output |
1 | 1 | Siren A – Tone 1 ( + satellite) |
2 | 2 | Siren B – Tone 1 |
3 | 3 | Reset* |
4 | 4 | Strobe* |
5 | 5 | Auxiliary 1* |
6 | 6 | Auxiliary 2* |
7 | 7 | Keypad Beeps |
8 | 1 | Siren A – Tone 2 (+ satellite) |
9 | 2 | Siren B – Tone 2 |
* Refer Installer
View Cheatsheet
Ensure all zones are sealed before arming panel
Enter [ARM] + [CODE] + [E]
[CODE] + [E]
ARM light will turn on
Enter [MONITOR] + [E]
[MONITOR] + [CODE] + [E]
Monitor Light will flash slowly and 3 beeps will be heard
Enter the [CODE] + [E]
Arm light will turn off
Press [EXCLUDE] + [ENTER] +[ZONE#]
(e.g. [4] for zone 4 ) + [ENTER]
(e.g. [4] for zone 4 ) + [ENTER]
Press [ENTER] again to exit
(e.g. [4] for zone 4) + [ENTER] + [ZONE#] ([5] for zone 5) + [ENTER]
Press [VIEW] Memory will display on keypad
Press [VIEW] + [ENTER] to exit
Reset any alarm (Including Smoke Alarms)