Pro LD

Pro LD User Guide
Alarm Memory
The PRO-L panel contains a comprehensive alarm memory. The PRO-L will remember alarms, low battery, mains failure and Arms.
- The memory is constantly upgraded and the last 8 events are always available to view.
- This memory display can only be selected while the panel is in the disarmed state.
- Entry to program mode will clear all events from the alarm memory.
- You can access the alarm memory as often as required while the panel is disarmed.
To View The Alarm Memory:
- Press [Memory] [Enter] will sound 3 beeps.
- Memory light will illuminate and the last 8 events will be flashed out at 1 second intervals. A short beep indicates the next event is displayed.
Zone Light | Zone alarm |
Arm Light | Panel Armed |
Tamper Light | Tamper Alarm (panel or siren) |
Line Light | Panic Alarm |
Battery Light | Low Battery |
Mains Light | Mains Failure |
To Enter Program Mode:
- Disarm panel [User code].
- Press [Program] [Master code] [Enter] will sound 3 beeps and program light will illuminate.
To Exit Program Mode:
- Press [Program] [Enter] will sound 3 beeps and program light will go out and normal operating lights will turn on.
- Panel will automatically exit program mode if no buttons are pressed within a 4-minute period.
Arm Disarm Bypass
Arming the Panel:
The panel must be armed prior to vacating the premises in order to detect intruders. Ensure that the panel is not in program, memory or exclude mode.
- If the panel is already in alarm, you must first silence the alarm before you can arm the panel.
There are 3 methods to arm the panel
- Normally the panel is armed by pressing [Arm] [Enter].
- Your installer may have programmed the panel to require the entry of a code to arm the panel [Arm] [Code] [Enter].
- If the optional key switch is installed, this is turned clockwise momentarily to ARM the panel.
To Arm The Panel:
- Check that all doors and windows are closed.
- Press [Arm] [Enter] keypad will sound 3 beeps.OrPress [Arm] [Code] [Enter] keypad will sound 3 beep.
- The ARM light should be on.
- Leave the premises with in the exit delay time.
- At the end of the exit delay time 3 beeps will sound.
At the end of the exit delay time, all zones should be secured. If any are unsecured, the siren will sound for 2 seconds to indicate that those zones have been automatically excluded. You should return, DISARM the panel and check the premises and then ARM the panel again. Continual warnings could mean that a detector could be faulty and may to be manually excluded. If the auto-exclude option is disabled the siren will sound continuously if a zone is unsecured at the end of the exit time.
If something is wrong when arming the panel, the normal 3 beeps will be replaced by other warnings.
- Mains power is turned off.
- Panel battery is low.
- A long beep indicates that an invalid entry or an alarm is outstanding and needs to be reset by entering your [User code] first.
Disarming The Panel:
Upon entering the premises through a delay zone, the panel responds with regular beeps as a reminder to disarm the panel. You then have your programmed entry delay time to disarm the panel by either:
- Entering one of your [User code].
- Activating the key switch.
- If the panel is not disarmed by the end of the entry delay, an alarm will occur. You may still enter your [User code] to silence the alarm.
- If you make a mistake in entering your User code, then you must press [Enter] and start again. 3 incorrect entries will cause an alarm.
- The entry beeps can be disabled by the installer.
- If the external strobe (if fitted) is flashing before you disarm the panel, then this means that an alarm occurred since you last armed the panel. Flashing indicators on the keypad also indicate the location of the alarm before you disarm. Once you have disarmed the panel, you may view the alarm memory to check the location of the alarm.
Monitor Mode (Perimeter):
Monitor mode allows you to ARM selected zones while others are ignored. Typically, perimeter zones (doors & windows) can be monitored while you are at home.
To Select Monitor Mode:
- Press [2] [Enter]OrPress [2] [User code] [Enter].
- Turn the Key switch clockwise momentarily when the panel is disarmed.
- The panel will respond with 3 beeps and the armed indicator will flash to indicate that you are in monitor mode.
- Monitor mode cannot be selected while in Program, Memory or Exclude mode.
To Exit Monitor Mode:
- Press [User code] [Enter] to disarm.Or
- If your key switch has been programmed to allow access to both Arm and Monitor Mode, then turn the key switch clockwise momentarily to change the panel to the armed state and then again to change the panel to Monitor mode.Or
- Turn the key switch clockwise momentarily to disarm.If an alarm occurs, while in the monitor mode, entering [User code] [Enter] or activating the key switch will silence the alarm. This will also change the mode of operation of the panel, so remember to enter monitor mode again if necessary.
Excluding Zones (Bypassing):
If a detector becomes faulty and cannot be secured when arming the panel, then it’s zone may be excluded i.e. ignored by the system so that it does not generate false alarms.
To Enter Exclude Mode:
- Press [Exclude] [Enter]OrPress [Exclude] [User code] [Enter].
- The Exclude light should be on.
- Enter the zones to be excluded [Zone number] [Enter] [Zone number] [Enter].
- Press [Enter] to exit.
- If you make a mistake, enter the zone number again to remove it from your selection.
- Zones that you exclude will be indicated by the relevant zone light showing a steady light in the exclude mode.
- Your panel may be programmed to automatically exclude faulty zones whenever you arm. The exclude light will flash as a warning or memory of the auto-exclusion.
Including Zones (un-bypassing):
Zones that have been excluded, may be included in the armed, disarmed or monitor modes.
- All excluded zones are automatically included when the panel is disarmed, thus if a detector is still faulty it must be excluded again.
- The exclude light will flash to warn you of excluded zones.
To View Exclude Zones for Inclusion:
- Press [Exclude] [Enter]OrPress [Exclude] [User code] [Enter]
- Enter the zones to be included [Zone number] [Enter] [Zone number] [Enter]
- Press [Enter] to exit.
Example: To include, say zones 4 and 8, press
[Exclude] [Enter] [4] [Enter] [8] [Enter] [Enter] Zone lights 4 & 8 will turn off.
[Exclude] [User code] [Enter] [4] [Enter] [8] [Enter] [Enter] Zone lights 4 & 8 will turn off.
Area Operation:
The PRO-L panel allows for the 8 zones to be split into two groups known as Area1 & Area2.
- The 2 areas can be assigned User codes so that a user may have access to one or the other areas or both areas. This allows people to have access to one part of your premises while the other remains armed.
- Arming and disarming are carried out as normal, you may have keypads installed in each area and set up by the installer so that the armed light indicates the armed state for that area only.
- All zones that are active in the armed mode always exist in one or both areas, e.g. even if you do not require your 8 zones to be split, all 8 zones will be programmed to operate in area 1.
Code Changes
To program any of the 15 user codes, there are a few rules you need to remember :-
- All codes can be 3, 4, 5 or 6 digits long.
- Codes cannot begin with 0.
- A code can be cancelled or deleted by reprogramming it again with a code that begins with 0.
- Codes must be unique and cannot be a sub-set of each other. E.g. if code 2 is 1234, code 3 cannot be 234 or 51234.
- Code 1 is the Master code and must be programmed.
- All other codes, are optional.
- When you enter your new code number, the PRO-L requires you to input your code in twice to confirm correct code.
- Each user code has a 2digit program option number to ensure the panel can identify which code number you want to program.
The Options For Each Code Are:-
1 | 11 | 9 | 19 |
2 | 12 | 10 | 20 |
3 | 13 | 11 | 21 |
4 | 14 | 12 | 22 |
5 | 15 | 13 | 23 |
6 | 16 | 14 | 24 |
7 | 17 | 15 | 25 |
8 | 18 |
To Enter Program Mode:
- Disarm panel [User code].
- Press [Program] [Master code] [Enter] will sound 3 beeps and program light will illuminate.
To Program Codes:
- Press [Program] [2 digit option number] [Enter] will sound 3 beeps.
- Press [User code] [Enter] [Code again] [Enter] will sound 3 beeps.
- A long beep indicates an error has been made, start again.
Example: To program User code 2 as code 1234
Press [Program] [1] [2] [Enter] [1] [2] [3] [4] [Enter] [1] [2] [3] [4] [Enter]
To Delete Codes:
- Press [Program] [2 digit option number] [Enter] will sound 3 beeps.
- Press [User code starting with 0] [Enter] [Code again] [Enter] will sound 3 beeps.
- A long beep indicates an error has been made, start again.
Example: To delete User code 2
Press [Program] [1] [2] [Enter] [0] [1] [2] [3] [Enter] [0] [1] [2] [3] [Enter]
To Exit Program Mode:
- Press [Program] [Enter] will sound 3 beeps and program light will go out and normal operating lights will turn on. Panel will automatically exit program mode if no buttons are pressed within a 4-minute period.
Keypad Functions
For personal protection, the keypad contains an INSTANT panic feature.
Panic cannot be used while in the Program, Memory or Exclude Mode.
The installer may have installed a separate panic button. To activate the panic alarm simply press the button.
The panic may have been programmed to be either:-
- Audible – activates siren or buzzer
- Silent – activates in another part of your building.
To Activate the Panic Alarm:
- Press [3] [Enter] will sound 3 beeps.
To Silence the Siren:
- Press [User code] [Enter] will sound 3 beeps.
- Siren will stop.
Reset Fire Alarm
Your panel can be reset and the alarm silenced by entering your [User code] followed by the [Enter] button. Alternatively, if a key switch is installed, the panel may be reset by momentarily activating the key switch.
To Reset an Alarm:
Press [User code] [Enter] will sound 3 beeps.
Trouble Messages
Cannot access program mode.
Symptom | Possible Cause | Remedy |
Zone light on or long beeps on arming | Zone detection device (e.g. reed switch, movement detector) unsecured. | Close door or window. Find cause of movement. |
10 beeps upon Arming. Mains light flashing- Battery light flashing. | Mains power off. Battery low. Device Battery Low. | Check plug pack is plugged in and power point on. Replace Back-up battery or Device battery. |
10 beeps at any time (mains/battery light flashing). | (As above). | (As above). |
1 long beep during keypad entry. | Invalid keypad entry. | Press [Enter] button & re-enter. |
2 second siren at end of exit time. | Zone unsecured on expiry of exit time. | Re-enter premises, disarm system, check zone isolate memory to determine zone at fault. |
External strobe light flashing. | Alarm occurrence since last arming of panel. | Check alarm memory to determine zone alarmed. |
Siren sounding when system disarmed. | Tamper, panic or 24 hour zone, or day zone activated. | Reset alarm by entering code. Check panic buttons (if Installed) – or call installation company. |
Armed/ monitor light flashing. | Monitor mode entered by mistake. | Exit monitor mode. |
Zone excluded light flashing. | A zone has been excluded. | Check zone excluded memory. Arm panel with all zones secured. |
Tamper light flashing. | Tamper unsecured. | Close Panel door, if still in alarm, Service required. |
Alarm memory light flashing. | Alarm in memory. | Check alarm memory to see cause of alarm. |
Cannot access program mode. | Panel armed Not using master code. | Disarm panel first before entering code. To enter program mode press [Program] [Master code] [Enter] |